Motherhood means creating future generations of people. When you have such a privilege and responsibility, it must be conducted consciously.
— Sadhguru

Prenatal Yoga

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey and the transition to parenthood is a wonderful and life enhancing experience. This journey and its profound experience can be enhanced even further through yoga and meditation. Regular practice of yoga and meditation helps expectant mothers to maintain a stable body, a still mind and balanced emotions. By cultivating a joyful pregnancy, one paves the way for a vibrant life for their child. Isha’s Prenatal Yoga is a wholesome offering which aids in relieving back pain, tension and anxiety throughout the pregnancy and during delivery. With a focus on overall health and wellbeing, this workshop will nurture positivity and offer support to enhance the lives of both the mother and child.

• Relieves back pain and shoulder pain
• Reduces emotional tension and anxiety
• Balances the mind and stabilizes the body
• Strengthens the muscles
• Improves balance and flexibility
• Prepares the body and mind for a natural birth
• Activates and stretches the spine, which benefits the neurological development of the child

Program Details
Sessions: 3 sessions
Duration: 2 hrs/session
Condition: Light stomach preferred, ladies in 3rd and 4th month of pregnancy should avoid the squatting practices (asanas 4-5)
Cost: 150€

You will learn the entire practice in a way that you will be able to continue practicing daily by yourself. We offer free continuous support in case you have any doubts or questions as you practice on your own.

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